Introduction: A sunny day is a great day to learn something new and eat a delicious snack. Making a solar oven with a few household supplies can engage participants and foster better understanding of the sun and solar energy!
Size: ANY
Supplies: 1 pizza delivery box, clear tape, plastic wrap, aluminum foil, black construction paper, newspaper, ruler, thermometer, plastic plate.
Objective: Teachable moments, education, project completion, food safety.
Description: Use box knife to cut open a flap on the lid of the pizza box. The flap should be able to be bent up to create an opening for the box top. Next wrap foil to the bottom side of the flap and tape it down on the top to keep it in place. On the inside of the lid, tape a layer of plastic wrap to create an air tight barrier. Line the inside of the box’s bottom and sides with black construction paper and used rolled up newspapers along the edges of the bottom to reinforce the oven’s insulation. Put food on a plastic plate (NOTE: utilize this oven to cook items that are NOT raw for safety) then place under lid. Open the flap and position the oven so the sun hits the open flap and into the plastic covered opening. This a great, creative way to make s’mores or other outdoors treats.